Once again, got to bus stop by 8 a.m. and were headed for MK. Girls got to go in early today as we had 9:10 CRT PS courtesy of a fellow TGMer, Jane. I had left DH with instructions on what to do in Tomorrowland while they waited for us (FPs for Space, ride Speedway, go on TTA and Buzz). He did well and they followed the plan. Had Jane's number on my cell so I called and we met up in front of the castle. She and her family were very nice people and we were so thankful they allowed us to tag along on their PS. Jane went in to check in for our PS (we were about 1/2 hour or so early) and they told us that having an extra person wasn't going to work. Jane and I had both called Disney Dining previously to see if bringing 1 more than the PS would be ok and were told it was fine to do that. My SIL says Payton and I can just go in and she'll leave but I didn't want her to do that. Jane lets the front desk know that splitting us 8 and 3 was fine. We go into wait and Jane's sons are so cute posing with the Knight and Fairy Godmother.
Right at 9:10, our group is called to be seated and we are split 8 and 3 which worked out well. Orange juice is brought along with a basket of pastries. A little while later, our breakfast is brought and we like it all except for the French Toast which appears to be fried and topped with blueberries. Our waiter is fun and teases a lot. Our table got dripped on a lot from the ceiling and as we sat there, it kept getting worse but the waiter said they already knew about the issue and it was related to the A/C. It was fine...we were in the castle. :-) After eating, the princesses eventually make their way to us and my daughter is dressed in her Mulan costume and they all acknowlege that. They were all so nice and even my "big" girl who is supposedly past the princess phase really liked it. After getting pictures with all of the princesses, we are off to meet up with the boys in Tomorrowland and very thankful to Jane for allowing us to tag along.

Eating breakfast at the castle
Boys are in line for Buzz and about to get on. We decide to get in the short line as well and we go on it and meet up with them afterward. I get FPs for us to all ride it again later. Boys then proceed to use Space FPs while we grab some popcorn and settle in a shady spot. Boys come out and Katrina, me and Isaac go on Space while the dads and little ones go on TTA again (big hit with them apparently but I never did go on it). After this, we're all off to use our Buzz FPs and run into Jane in the gift shop there.

We are then headed off to ride It's a Small World as BIL had noticed we missed it on our first day. We are headed that way when we stop to watch one of the street performers near the Carousel. I'm in the nearby Tinkerbell shop looking for something for our niece who was just born right before we left for vacation. The rain begins to come down and it pours and it pours. We wait in the store for a while and then when it lets up, we head to IASW. This ride is so long and Payton said after a while of being on the ride "ok, now this is just getting silly." Oh well....guess you gotta do it once. ;-)
Then off to Haunted Mansion for the older kids and 3 adults. DH takes little ones over to PoC to see if there's a wait. We get off HM and call him and he says no wait. We all go on but Joey had fallen asleep at this point so he slept his way through the ride.
Time to eat now and we head over to Casey's Corner which we really liked for something fast but good. DH had gone to get Splash FPs for that evening and met up with us shortly after to eat. Downpour begins again and we wait for awhile under the covered porch area before leaving MK for the day.

Castle in the rain
It was only around 12:30 or so at this point and I had really wanted Isaac to go to Disney Quest since he's very into video games. All of us except DH and Blake head for DTD after a 10 minute break at the hotel to repack the backpacks and get our ponchos.
Dan and Isaac head for DQ while Katrina, me, Payton and Joey head for some shops. We walk to the west side so we can go to the Lego store and World of Disney. Lego statue thingies outside the store are really cool and we got pictures of the kids with the dragon and the family with the dogs.

Then we were off to WoD store and could NOT believe the size of this place. We all got separated and although I had wanted to buy some things, I found myself completely overwhelmed at the size of this place and just ended up getting some postcards. We all eventually find each other and head out. Dan and Isaac are now finished playing at DQ and we catch a bus back to BWV. We decide to get off at the Swan/Dolphin bus stop and walk the short walk over to the Boardwalk as the bus still had a few more stops before getting to BWV. Dan and Isaac often run together so they started out with a "ready, set, go" and they were off. Dan slipped on the pavement and bruised his elbow and got himself muddy. He said it hurt quite a bit but he was ready to go again. So off they go again and this time Isaac slips and hits his head on the pavement. Katrina erupts into instant tears as she watches it happen and Isaac is just laying there. I take Joey so they can help Isaac and Payton and I stand away while some witnesses run into the Dolphin to find someone who can help. A man comes out and asks Isaac questions and examines his head and neck and he appears to be ok. The man says to wake Isaac up throughout the night to make sure he's ok. Whew. Very bad but he would end up being fine.
Just have about an hour or so before we need to leave to meet up with fellow TGMers at Pecos Bills for Spectro and Wishes and DH and Dan have disappeared while going to get our dinner. They had gone over to the Yacht Club to grab some hamburgers for us but it took a long time. When Dan finally did come back, he realized he'd left his and DH's room keys there and had to run back to get them. We take just a few minutes to eat part of our gigantic burgers and we're off to the bus stop. We arrived just as Spectro was about to start so we grabbed a spot near the front of the park. I didn't get to meet the other TGMers as a result but found our spot to be just fine and loved getting out of the park quickly and onto our bus right away. We were in our rooms by 10:40 p.m.

Blake getting ready for fireworks show