There's a blog that links to me and other Wichita bloggers called Douglas and Main. It's created by Bobby Rozzell and although I was suspicious why someone would want to post about my personal blog, it has helped expose to me to other Wichita bloggers and it's been interesting to see the evolution.
One such blogger just tagged me to post 6 random things about myself. I never "forward" things so I won't be tagging others to do the same but I'll answer the tag.
1.) Andy and I take naps most weekend days. I don't actually understand why people get so against naps as adults. It's relaxing and so nice to cuddle in the middle of the afternoon.
2.) The bed that we nap in...we never make it. The only time it really gets made is if a cleaning crew does it. I don't really get why it should be when I'd like to just be able to crawl into it without undoing all of the trimmings.
3.) I don't do the dishes after dinner. I put them in the sink, wipe off counters and the table and do them the next day. I hate having to cook, eat and then get up to clean. Wondering why I have to do both? Yeah, me too.
4.) I love stockings. It's my favorite part of Christmas. I do stockings for my parents, my kids, my husband, my dog and now my parents dog. I spend a lot of time thinking of small things that people will love. The stocking contents usually cost more than the gifts.
5.) I sleep 1 - 7 most nights (the last 6 days have been 2 - 6 though). I've tried changing it by taking medicines, exercising more, gradually trying to reset my circadian rhythm, etc., and nothing works. I'm not tired and it doesn't affect my life negatively so I've given up trying now.
6.) Whenever I go through a yellow light, I block my vision of the light with my visor so I don't see it turning red. Every time.
I won't be tagging anybody but if you'd like to list 6 random things, please do and let me know in the comments.