On Friday of Wedding Weekend, we started out the day with a 1 mile family race. The concept of the race started with the brothers all racing against each other some years back and has continued over the years. This time, many more people joined the family race including me. As a side note, I used to say "I wish I could run the race..." because I never had been able to run a mile before recently. So this time, I would run and my only goal was to not get lapped.

I wish I could explain David's attire but I can't.

And we're ready....

And we're off...

At the half mile point, I got lapped by Celeste's 15 year old brother and Andy's brother, Mark. They ended up running the mile in less than 6 minutes(!) so there was no way I could avoid being lapped with my 9 minute mile time. I think I was the only girl to finish but I could be wrong.
The scary part to me was that Andy was mostly keeping up with the two leaders for a while.
< wife rant >
Andy told me before the race that he was just going to try to keep up with Mark. Mark the genius who happens to also run very fast. I told him repeatedly that he was nuts and that he wasn't prepared physically to be able to do that. We had been running for distance, not time, and each time Andy tried to run faster, his shin splints would come back. He could not keep up with Mark. But he tried. And this is what happened just before the finish line.

His heart rate got way too high and he had to lay down to recover. It took him a long time to get back to normal. I kept going back and forth between trying to help him and being angry at him for even attempting to keep up knowing he wasn't prepared. He ended up being fine but it was scary for several minutes.
< /wife rant >
After a while, we headed to play some volleyball together. Another Albert family tradition.

My time at the volleyball court ended because Blake had a meltdown - he was tired, hungry and hot - so we headed out for some food, some cool temps and a brief break from all of the activities. It didn't last long though because the kids wanted to go swim at Grandma Willie's house so we did that for a while. After the 4 of us took showers, it was time to go to the hotel in downtown Kansas City, Missouri, where we'd be spending the next two nights in close proximity to wedding festivities.
We loved our hotel, The Hotel Phillips. It's old, architecturally beautiful, had fantastic upgrades recently done, great service, perfect location.

View from the 20th (top) floor...

Andy was off to the dress rehearsal at the church while the kids and I explored and relaxed a bit before we joined him at the rehearsal dinner.
At the rehearsal dinner...

Best. Dessert. Ever. Some kind of whipped cherry cheesecake.

2 Albert siblings...

3 Albert siblings...

4 Albert siblings...

5 Albert siblings...

6 Albert siblings...

Bob had already left so there isn't a pic of all 7 from this night.
We drove our kids back to the hotel so they could get to bed and then Andy and I joined a group at another hotel to finish the night out with a game of poker.

Andy and I weren't quite ready to drive back when poker was done so we walked to a nearby Steak and Shake for some greasy goodness. By this time, we were ok to drive and headed back to our hotel. We had to get some rest because we had to be up and ready by 10 Saturday morning and it had been a long day for all of us.