Payton's Spring Break was last week and we had some big ideas on what we wanted to do. We ran into some issues because first of all, we sleep too late. Blake routinely wakes up at "eleventy 9" (11:09) or so, I get up shortly after and then Payton gets up around 1 on her days off. That doesn't leave much time to go to places in Dallas or anywhere that requires a drive. Secondly, places are VERY busy during Spring Break and cost extra which kept us from doing some things. Here's what we did manage to do...
Monday - Payton invited a friend over and played DDR. Her friends get mad because Blake is so much better than they are. He practices a lot with us so not a big shock but still embarrassing for them. Payton then went w/her friend to watch her karate class.
Tuesday - Payton attended a Safe Sitter class from 9-3:30 which teaches the safety of babysitting including the Heimlich Maneuver, how to handle various ages of children, etc. She says that she learned a lot during the day and I snapped a couple of pics of the ceremony held at the end of the day.

Wednesday - We went to the mall because Payton wanted to get her hair trimmed (and the salon she goes to is at the mall) and to eat Panda Express. While she did that, Blake led me around the mall and we ended up in the play area for a bit. I realized on the way out that the sign says the maximum height is 42" so he's technically too tall to be in there now.

Thursday - Although we still got up late this day, we decided to go ahead and drive to the Dallas World Aquarium. They had extended hours during Spring Break so we figured we would probably have plenty of time to get through it before it closed. When we arrived, the line to get in the building was wrapped around the block so we stood for about 30 minutes just to be able to buy the ticket.
Payton holding Blake in line (didn't last long as he's gotten pretty heavy)...

Once we got in, it was basically OK but obviously packed. Much like me, Blake's not really into observing animals so it was hard to tour with him. He also isn't a big fan of crowded places, much like Andy. I think he would have done better on an uncrowded day for sure. We did manage to see some neat things and here are some pics.

Friday - I don't even remember what we did for sure during the day but Payton and I went with Marcy and Aubry to eat at Pirahna's for dinner which is always yummy. I just wish it wasn't so expensive!