On September 27, we arrived at the day we'd been planning for 8 months - the day we leave for our trip to Disney World. Blake and I were super excited because we'd been two years prior and he had lots of memories from it but I was really looking forward to having a "redo" because Blake's behavior made our prior trip unbearable half the time. He's two years older and much more predictable now so I knew we'd be able to have fun. Kami had been to Disney World as a kid but was really looking forward to taking Reaghan while she was little enough to enjoy the princesses and believe in the "magic."
Our flights both took off from our home cities and connected at DFW airport and then we'd fly together to Orlando and start our trip together from there. On September 27, Blake and I woke up around 5 and we were at the airport by 6 and ready for our 7:05 flight to depart. Kami's flight was due to leave much later but she'd also have a much shorter layover at DFW airport. We would have a 2 1/2 hour layover with this much earlier flight. As we are waiting at our gate, we get word from the gate desk that our plane has had some issues with lights coming on and a crew was being dispatched to come and take care of it. Some people at the terminal were a bit antsy as they had tight connections but this didn't affect us personally since we had such a lengthy layover. As it turned out, we only left about 15 minutes later than scheduled.
Before we departed, I sent Kami some text messages since I knew she'd be up by that point, letting her know that we were on our way and would see her in Dallas. Wishful thinking! More on that shortly....
Once on board our small-ish plane, Blake and I are in the two seats on one side of the plane with Blake being on the window. I was on the aisle and a man sat across the aisle from me. At the beginning of the flight, he says to me "is that your son? He's a nice looking boy." I confirm that yes, he's my son, and thank him. Slightly strange but we've been approached over the years by a handful of men making similar comments. Never women, just regular guys that approach us and say similar things. I think Blake is a cute kid but the comments are always a little strange to get out of the blue. Blake is being quiet and just staring out the window and I figure I'll just sit back and close my eyes while I can. Then Mr. Complimenter decides to say some things to me that express how "amazing" it is that I'm his mom and how I must work out all the time, etc. Mr. Complimenter has now lost credibility with me because while I do workout 6 days a week and have lost some weight, I'm hardly a hard body worthy of being called "amazing" and especially while my eyes are closed and I'm clearly not wanting to talk to this man! Anyway, the flight from Wichita to Dallas is a very short one and we are soon touching down.
Once in Dallas, I get word from Kami that her flight has been delayed due to fog. Uh-oh. Her connection was already short and she may very well miss the second flight. Darn it! I kept constant tabs on the flight and Blake and I entertained ourselves for the 2 hour wait. I had packed gift bags for the kids to decorate for Tinkerbell to leave gifts in the room. I got out Blake's bag and supplies and he spent a long time on this project.

Kami's flight finally departs and then I see that our flight to Orlando is delayed. Maybe she'll make it after all! Her flight landed at about the same time ours departed (and she was in a different terminal) and she wasn't able to make the flight. I regretted that she wasn't on the flight but decided to look at the positive side to it - Blake and I would get a little bit of time alone to check out the hotel, get our souvenir beach towels and just spend a little time together. Also, by taking the later flight, Reaghan would be able to nap and she'd be in better shape to survive the evening.
Our flight from Dallas to Orlando was very easy with Blake sleeping most of the flight. I dozed off, read some magazines, etc., and was relieved to finally arrive in Orlando. We were off to take the tram to the main terminal, navigate our way to the Magical Express desk and we were quickly loaded onto a bus to take us to Disney World. Then we sit. And sit. And sit. It was probably only about 15 minutes but after the momentum of landing and quickly getting to the bus, it's an excruciating wait.
"Mom, why aren't we going?", "When is this bus going to GO?", "When are we going to be at Disney World?!"
The bus finally gets fully loaded and we're off on the half hour drive to Disney World.

Then, finally, we are there!

After a couple of stops at other resorts, we arrive at our hotel, The Polynesian. I get in line to check in and the Cast Member checking me in has a look of concern and says she can't find me in the system. After some checking in the back room, she discovers the issue and we are soon on our way to our room. It's the building and area that I've requested and I'm so thrilled! We even had a full rainbow in the sky as we explored!

Blake and I explore, buy our souvenir beach towels and I start thinking about our dinner reservation that evening for 6:40. It's pretty clear that Kami isn't going to be on time so once she lands, I call her to let her know that the Magical Express bus goes to the hotel (The Contemporary) where our dinner reservation is for the evening. I tell her to go ahead and get off at that stop and we'll only be slightly late for our dinner reservation. Blake and I hop on the monorail for our first ride of this trip and we head over to The Contemporary. We are very early (I didn't realize the monorail ride would be so fast!) and he begs to play in the arcade. My focus for this trip was to allow the kids to do as much of what they wanted to do while Kami and I wouldn't be riding or doing many grown-up things. Just trying to let them have fun, stay flexible and not be too commando. My first reaction is "no, I don't have money for the machines" but I should never doubt Disney's ability to take more money out of my pocket! Just scan your room key and within seconds, you have a game card and you're playing in the arcade!

I decide to go ahead and check in for our reservation in case there's a wait so that we'll be ready to go when Kami arrives. Turns out I really didn't need to do that since there was virtually no wait. Pretty soon I get a call from Kami saying she's in the restaurant at a table and wondered where we were. Just around the corner at the arcade, we'll be right there!
We FINALLY join up after a long travel day for our dinner at Chef Mickey's.

Chef Mickey's is such a fun way to kick off the trip and has lots of fun character interaction. It was a good way to test Reaghan's ease with characters and she was loving it.

Mental note to myself to include more character interaction in our touring plans in the parks! Blake isn't scared of the characters but he makes it very clear that he's only interested in meeting one character: Mickey Mouse. That's it. Nobody else. He also wants to know the name of the man inside the Mickey costume.

Then it was time for the music to come on and the characters to come out and everybody spins their napkins!

We all make it back to the hotel where my luggage has been delivered. Kami helps me with unpacking, we get our grocery order delivered to the room and then Kami's bags come so I help with that. We view fireworks from the balcony and then it's time for bed. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow with lots of stuff planned. I'm worried that after a long day of traveling the kids won't be able to handle it but we shall see what happens!