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What I would have looked like in yearbook pics throughout the years. Each row represents another decade starting with the 1950s and ending in the 1990s. Yearbook Yourself
Posted in links
We know some people who do some pretty awesome things so I'd like to mention them from time to time.
One of Andy's brothers, Mark, just authored an encylopedia entry in the SAGE Encyclopedia of Perception. He wrote the chapter on neural coding. I don't know what it is and still don't after reading this chapter but it sounds smart. Pretty cool, Markus.
Posted in people doing cool things
Payton's school does this great thing where they have all of the parents come without kids and we get our kids' school schedule and go to each class in order. We get 5 minutes to hear the teacher talk, 5 minute passing period between each class and it lasts for about an hour and a half. We love it. Gives us a feel for how Payton's day goes.
Some random things from tonight...
- The district allows you to go on their website and receive live tutoring 4-11 each night. How cool is that?
- Payton's teachers and classes are awesome. They clearly love their job, love the subjects they teach and Payton loves her classes.
- One thing I love about the schools here is that they don't expect the kids to have a bunch of homework each night (though they do have some) but they allow the last period of the day for homework, extra help, clubs, etc. Her last class of the day is an entire class full of kids in the volunteer club that she's a member of. I love the idea that she ends each day with 20 kids who love volunteering just like she does.
- Eating lunch at 10:45 must stink.
- Payton's teachers adore her. In the past we've heard that she's so "conscientious" and today we heard "so confident." Both are accurate and very flattering.
- All of the discussion about how the teachers were preparing the kids for high school subjects made me a little nauseous. One of her classes right now is considered high school level. How did she get so old?
Posted in Payton
Ran 20 miles in 8 days and gained weight. Turns out Michael Phelps diet doesn't work for Shannon Albert.
Wedding festivities meant lots of drinking, eating and drinking so the weight gain was to be expected even with running 20 miles this week.
Just returned from a 9 mile run and realized that I always dread the long runs but they are almost never that hard. Very comfortable pace, temps have been good and no bathroom issues. Afterward, I am pretty sore, exhausted, feet covered in blisters and black toe nails but the actual run itself isn't that hard. I expect a toe nail or two to fall off anytime now. It's like a badge of honor. :)
This week will be a total of 20 miles again but the food will be healthier so I expect the weight loss to return.
Also, Andy has lost a total of 25 pounds and looks great. He wants to lift and tone up but he has met his goal weight. Yea Andy!
We drove up to KC after the kids were done with school and got to Andy's mom's house around 6:30 or 7 for a family cookout and swimming party.
Uncle Nick hanging out with some of his nephews and nieces...
Celeste's dad and his side of the family live in France so we met them for the first time.
Kids in the hot tub...
We headed out at a decent time to rest up for the next day which includes a race, volleyball and rehearsal.
Posted in family, nick wedding weekend