
And....I'm back.


Hiatus is over for now. I read a lot of blogs so I know it's not normal to disappear for weeks at a time but since it's my life I talk about here and saying "I worked a lot" would have been boring, I had nothing to say. After about 4-6 weeks of working ridiculous hours and feeling sick most of the time (I think I have a high tolerance for stress but I apparently reached it after such an extended time), I was gone for 5 days to get away, have fun, relax. Miraculously, I no longer feel sick or crazy. Well, maybe just not sick.

Drove down to Texas last weekend, spent the night with Kami on the way, drove to Amanda's house and did stuff with her for a few days.

Some random tidbits from the time away:
- ran into Abraham Lincoln
- accidentally ran two toll booths in two states
- fell on my face in a parking lot
- sushi, sushi, sushi (including Nobu which lived up to its name)
- standup comic that insulted everybody in the front row but called us "fashionable" (ha)
- saw the best lip synching pole dancer live
- Dunkin Donut appetizer
- barking puppies
- a spin in a sports car
- naked time at the spa
- renewed appreciation for my family. Time away was good for us all I think but it's good to be back together again.

What next?

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2 comments: to “ And....I'm back.

  • 10:29 PM  

    Wow, I thought my RSS was playing tricks on me! A post from Nan!! :-) Good to have you back and not nauseous.

  • 10:44 PM  

    Yay!!!!!! Love the post.....can't wait to hear more about the tidbits. Hope your fall in the parking lot was alcohol induced.