


Blake had his 9th soccer team game ever (6 last year, 3 this year) and he finally played in one! Every other game, he just stood there on the field and wouldn't play but this time he ran and kicked and even played goalie one quarter. I couldn't find my camera on the way out the door or I would have taken pics. Maybe next time. While Blake was playing, he constantly snapped his fingers. It's a new trick he's learned and insists on doing all the time - in Andy's ear first thing in the morning, under the smock when he's getting his haircut and while running on the soccer field. It's cute but I can tell it's going to get old very quickly!

Easter is next weekend and Blake wants to make sure he gets a video game and Scamper the Penguin movie so he had Andy write it down on paper and says it has to be hung outside for the Easter Bunny to see it. Off to find some tape...

What next?

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