
Weekly health update


Ran 20 miles in 8 days and gained weight. Turns out Michael Phelps diet doesn't work for Shannon Albert.

Wedding festivities meant lots of drinking, eating and drinking so the weight gain was to be expected even with running 20 miles this week.

Just returned from a 9 mile run and realized that I always dread the long runs but they are almost never that hard. Very comfortable pace, temps have been good and no bathroom issues. Afterward, I am pretty sore, exhausted, feet covered in blisters and black toe nails but the actual run itself isn't that hard. I expect a toe nail or two to fall off anytime now. It's like a badge of honor. :)

This week will be a total of 20 miles again but the food will be healthier so I expect the weight loss to return.

Also, Andy has lost a total of 25 pounds and looks great. He wants to lift and tone up but he has met his goal weight. Yea Andy!

What next?

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2 comments: to “ Weekly health update

  • 7:59 AM  

    Way to go guys! Keep up the great work. Love the new family pic, too! :-)

  • 12:22 PM  

    Had met my goal weight. I may need to meet it again after last weekend of drinkin and eating cake.