
The Funk


You'd think with the amazing inaugural celebrations, things going well at work, possible trip coming up, getting back to the gym, etc., that I would have something I want to talk about but I don't. I'm in The Funk this week that I can't climb out of it. Been changing into PJs as soon as dinner is done and not doing much else the rest of the night. I managed to fit in a board game and some TV viewing with Blake tonight which was an improvement over other nights this week.

On top of The Funk, I felt so much like fainting at work today that I had to call Andy to drive me home. The feeling to faint never did go away and I find myself looking around for places to fall, just in case. I'm calling the doctor tomorrow since this isn't my first episode of this but it is the worst.

Hoping tomorrow's sunshine and warmer temps will help melt The Funk away so I can get back to normal. And avoiding a fainting spell would be even better.

What next?

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2 comments: to “ The Funk

  • 7:56 AM  

    Shannon! I'm so sorry. Hang in there and let us know what the doctor says.

  • 6:15 PM  

    I'm sorry to hear that. Call me if you want to talk and let me know if you need anything or if there is anything I can do. Keep me posted on what the doctor says too.