JT part 2 plus Q & A
Labels: QnA, twitter 4 commentsThe last time I posted, I was feeling crazy excited about receiving 2 messages from JT because there's no celeb that would make me happier to hear from. I thought that was it. I was wrong.
On Friday, I got an email that said "Justin Timberlake is now following you on Twitter" which is what you get each time somebody new follows you. I've gotten 200 of them over the past couple of days but this one nearly made me pass out. The amazing thing is that he has over 300,000 people following him but he's only following 32 people. Now, I'm one of them.
This means I can send him a Direct Message (private message) on Twitter if I want to. People have said I'd be silly not to. The thing is, I really, really like him and have no intention to bother him.
EDITED TO ADD: He's not following me anymore. He removed about 8 people including me. I figured he would do that so I'm glad I got a screenshot while it (briefly) lasted. Ha.
My subdued mood today can't properly convey my mood at the time. I'm not going to lie. I was shaking and giddy about this. At work.
Then he Tweets me again. He says I should make a video of my squee. I don't have a screen cap of that because he removed it within about an hour which is good because I wasn't going to do it anyway. :) People sent me messages saying that I had to since he said so. They obviously don't know me because I don't do anything I don't want to....even if Justin Timberlake says so.
Lots of people have been asking me questions. Here are some of the most common.
Q: What does your husband think about all this?
A: He's known that I love JT for many years. I think some marriages have jealousy (even about celebs). We don't. He's happy for me though he can't think of who would make him react quite as insanely.
Q: What does your daughter think?
A: There seems to be some misconception that the JT love is due to my daughter. It's not. I love JT. She thinks he's an awesome entertainer but he isn't her thing. She's much more into Forever the Sickest Kids, Ludo, Pink and many others. I'm no cooler to her today than I was a week ago (which is to say, not at all).
Q: How can I get a celeb to reply to me or follow me?
A: No idea. I wasn't trying to. It just happened.
Q: How do you know it's him?
A: It's him. He's a verified Twitter user. And yes, he writes his own Tweets. Almost all people on Twitter do.
Q: Will you get me an autograph or tickets?
A: What makes you think I could?
This should just about be the end but I will be in the newspaper tomorrow to discuss it so I'll post a link to that when it's online.
It's been fun.
6:53 PM
It's too bad that he quit following you. At least he did for a while and u got a screenshot of it!
7:20 PM
Even if the frenzy ends tomorrow, this is a high you can ride out for as long as you want. I still think it is a ball of awesomeness.
8:10 PM
I think there is something extra thrilling in knowing he wanted to see you, even if you were not willing to do it. He was obviously flattered beyond what he normally is or he wouldn't have followed you or responded in the first place.
Squeeeeing for Shannon! Is this in the Urban Dictionary? Shall we add it?
8:15 PM
Yep. It's already on UrbanDictionary.com. I didn't make the word up. I should have actually put that in the Q&A. "What does 'squee' mean?" though my answer to JT was "omgomgomg."