
Scrooge, a.k.a., Future Republican


me: "blake, remember there's $1 in your backpack that you need to give your teacher."
blake: "what is it for?"
me: "there's a family that can't afford presents so the teachers are going to take the money and buy them a dvd player."
blake: "they should buy their own."
me: "well, they can't afford it."
b: "santa comes for everybody. he can do it."
me: "well, but the parents want to give them something too."
b: "they'll probably waste it."

What next?

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3 comments: to “ Scrooge, a.k.a., Future Republican

  • 10:11 PM  

    blake needs a star, not an angel, on top of his Christmas tree

  • 12:40 AM  

    Love that kid.

    Reading this makes me feel like all is right in the world.

    No pun intended.

  • 10:14 PM  

    LOL! That's too funny.