
Weekly health update


This week, I completed another week of half-marathon training but instead of doing my long run this weekend, I ran a 5k. I'll resume normal long runs next week.

I tried something different food-wise this week and just tried to be sensible rather than obsessed. I didn't count points, just ate healthy when I was hungry. It seemed to have worked for me because when I checked mid-week, I had lost 2 pounds. I think I will do the same thing this coming week.

This whole training thing takes quite a bit of time and dedication. I had a short-lived feeling this week that it felt really selfish given the amount of time invested. Had to talk my way out of that by reminding myself that I'm making myself healthy which ultimately benefits the family. Plus, I have way more energy and get more done when exercising and eating well so it ends up better in the end.

What next?

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1 comments: to “ Weekly health update

  • 10:44 PM  

    I really admire your commitment. I wish I had the motivation!