
Weekly health update


Did my runs this past week and as posted previously, the Sunday long run wasn't the full distance. Managed to fit in some cross-training and weight lifting during the week as well.

Weight-wise, I've once again hit a plateau and since I keep doing this and then manage to get past it, I assume this too shall pass. This past week people did comment a lot that I look like I've lost weight which was strange (but nice) since I've been the same for a little while now.

This next week, I'm shortening the runs during the week and focusing on time in preparation for this weekend's 5K w/Kam in OKC.

What next?

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1 comments: to “ Weekly health update

  • 12:00 PM  

    It will be funny when you and Kami figure out the name is for real Midnight "Streak". Take plenty of pictures! :)
