
Blog award


Casey recently gave me a blog award which I'm thankful for. I'm supposed to pass it on but I'm not good at passing things along on the Internet. You'll rarely ever see an email forward coming from me. And if you do, please take me to the hospital. But if I did pass this award on, Casey would most definitely be on my list for her prolific and funny blog about her life.

Here was the acceptance speech I left in her comments:

Shannon said...

Thank you, thank you. I'd like to take a moment to thank my family who allows me hours to take their pictures, to upload them and watch me spend countless hours online typing up my blog posts and other Internet-related things.

I'd like to thank Casey for being an inspiration for keeping a blog constantly fresh with new content. I can never keep up but your volume inspires me.

I'd like to thank Heather Armstrong for making it ok to not be 100% positive about parenthood...and being funny while doing it.

And of course, I'd like to thank God for creating the Internet.

Thank you all!

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1 comments: to “ Blog award

  • 1:15 PM  

    And, thank YOU for the compliment!