
Texas State Fair


We've lived in Texas for 7 years and had never been to the Texas State Fair. "Fair" conjures up images of dirt ground, stinky animals, hay and bad carnival rides so I actually dreaded going but thought we should at least give it a try. Turns out, I was pretty wrong in my assumptions as this was much more like an amusement park than a stinky county fair.

First up, the African Acrobats from Kenya.

Swan paddle boats on the lagoon. You'll notice that we have pics of rides but we didn't do any - costs way too much to do especially considering that you have to pay to get into the fair.

The Italian Chef Juggler

Blake watching the BMX bike show

The Discovery Garden was maybe our favorite thing. It was a beautiful garden w/model trains running all throughout it. Payton said she wants to have a backyard like this someday. Some pics of the garden...

Water fountain

Elephant tusks

Pavers the shape of Texas

Bryan Berg, the Guiness World Record Holder for biggest structure built w/cards...he was building the Dallas sky line here.

Sculpture at the African American Museum


Big Tex

Blake's always hitching a ride wherever he can

Snacks while we take a break.

Then it was on to the Backyard Circus where the kids play the parts of the circus acts.

And lastly, we watched the parade before heading home.

What next?

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