
Second interview


Well, the second interview has been setup for a week from today where I'll be meeting for a few hours with various people and then possibly going to lunch. This weekend: shopping for another outfit to wear since all of my work clothes are in storage!

Also, Casey is having her third baby today, baby girl Lainey. Congrats to her and her family!

Update! Baby Lainey was born at 7:57 this morning and is adorable!

What next?

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1 comments: to “ Second interview

  • 9:41 AM  

    Yeah!!!! Lainey is famous!!!! Thanks so much for the announcement. Baby girl is doing so well and my recovery has been better than the past.

    Now, raising this girl will be a whole different story. I'm terrified!!! Will be coming to you for advice since you're successfully raising such a great girl. I don't even know where to start.