Conscientious (Con`sci*en"tious)
Labels: Payton 0 commentsConscientious is the word to best sum Payton up. Andy and I have to admit to not always telling Payton things because she'll adamantly refuse to shop at certain places if she feels they are behaving unethically. So if we said "that store's clothing is made in sweat shops where children are overworked and abused" she would never, ever shop there again. No matter what. All of the persistence that annoyed me when she was a toddler may work out when it's channeled in a positive direction.
There was a time a couple of years ago where she refused to wear clothing with words because she didn't want people reading her clothing but now she always has a message, a cause, something to stand for. I have been taking pics of Payton's shirts-with-a-message recently but I'm sure she'll add more and I'll add to the picture collection.
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