No more drunk emailing
Labels: links 3 commentsGoogle is trying to help prevent drunk emailing. They've created Mail Goggles which asks you some basic questions before sending an email so you don't send something you regret. By default, it's only active on weekend nights but you can adjust the settings according to your own personal drinking schedule.
I can think of a few people reading this who might just benefit from this. :)
3:55 PM
I didn't know people had actual drinking schedules. Maybe I need to get one.
11:29 PM
This is tooooooo funny! Every once in awhile, I'll send a drunk email after a few glasses of wine at home. The funny thing is that I'll proofread it over and over because I don't want to send an email that the reader will know that I was drunk....hahaha.
3:48 PM
Ha! Ha! Ha! I hate it when I drunk email or post something on myspace.