
And the idiots come out of the woodwork


The comments posted on Kansas.com are mostly ignorant and very disheartening. My favorite:

God help us all.
A democratic president with a democratic congress. Hang on, the next couple years could get rocky!!!

As if the last several years haven't been? It can only get better, people!

What next?

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3 comments: to “ And the idiots come out of the woodwork

  • 11:48 AM  

    Those comments come from both extremes. Bush is not a terrorist, etc.

    If we get rid of the extremes and undecided voters, I may be the only one left. Dictatorship sounding better and better. :)


  • 12:09 PM  

    Opinions Opinions Opinions. We all have them and that is ok. I think republicans and democrats should just agree to disagree and move the F on.

  • 11:16 PM  

    We can't agree to disagree on everything. Laws would never get passed. I think both candidates would have done a great job reaching across the aisle to get consensus and I look forward to seeing what President-elect Obama will be able to do. Good day to be an American!