
Funny boy


I'm not sure what has spurred Blake's sudden burst of consistent humor and new vocabulary but we are loving it.

to Andy while playing a game: Wow, you are impressive!

to me while going through the Halloween maze at my work: This part is SO horrifying!

Blake: Could you help me button my jeans?
Me: Sure.
Blake: Thanks. Actually, I have two things to thank you for. First, for helping me with my pants. Second, for getting my costume for me!

Blake: Can I eat these?
Me: No, they've been setting out all night.
Blake: But why? I want to.
Me: Because it's yucky to eat those after sitting out all night.
Blake: But I want to.
Me: Quit arguing with me. You just can't eat it.
Blake: I wouldn't call this arguing. More like a conversation.

Me: I'm going to hug you so hard, I'm going to end up squeezing you to death!
Blake: You know what would come out of me? White blood cells. And red blood cells. And farts.

regarding the school election: I'm voting for Obama...that's a woman, right?

What next?

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2 comments: to “ Funny boy

  • 12:13 PM  

    I wouldn't call it an arguement or conversation. I would say you and Blake were yelling at each other. :)
    - Andy

  • 10:47 PM  

    too funny!