
Pics from Friday, December 22


We headed out in the late afternoon for our drive to KC. We made a stop at Kami's for pizza and a gift exchange between the kids.

They actually played together instead of fighting this time. :)

Reaghan waiting patiently to open gifts.

Finally get to open gifts!

All of the kids (with Reaghan wearing the personalized toile apron we got her)

We also got Reaghan a cheese grater and a block of parmesan cheese so she can have fresh parmesan at home, just like they do in the restaurants. She knew exactly what it was and was so excited - I knew she would be! :-)

Kitty in a box

We headed out for the last part of our drive to KC and got to my parents' house around 2 am. Blake had been sleeping in the car but the decorations were just too good and he got up for a couple of hours to take it all in.

Christmas tree train that fascinated Blake.

Pretty tree...

Village all lit up...

Holly lights...

What next?

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