
No pics from December 30 or 31


We intended to leave on Saturday but Payton was getting sick so we held off for a day. Mom and I headed off to my favorite movie theater to see The Queen which basically takes place the week between Princess Diana's death and her funeral. It focuses on how the royal family handled it and Tony Blair's attempts at dealing with the royal family. I loved it.

That night it was several hands of 5 point Pitch - boys vs. girls as always. Mom and I killed the boys every hand. :-)

Sunday we left and got home around 9, just in time to get everything put away and get settled in with some wine to watch the ball drop. Also in enough time for Payton to leave to have a spontaneous sleepover at a friend's house.

This morning Payton headed off to the bus stop for school to start again only to be told by her former teacher (who as driving by on her way to work) that school doesn't start for the students today - it starts tomorrow. Oops.

Hope everyone had a great holiday and is getting settled back in. Happy 2007!

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2 comments: to “ No pics from December 30 or 31

  • 10:29 PM  

    I love that Payton walked to the bus stop on her day off. I felt the same way with Carter heading to his...like....are we sure he goes back today? Thankfully, he was joined by a dozen other kids in a matter of minutes. Their mothers know what's going on!

  • 2:19 AM  

    One time my parents actually sent me to school on the wrong day. I'm not sure what the deal was, but i was in kindergarten and for some reason the high school and middle school had classes, but the grade school didn't? or i was an even day class and...? none the less, i just remember being totally scared standing in the dark doorway of my classroom crying when a "big kid" (probably 6th grader!) came by, saw me crying and took me to the administration offices. i a scarred to this day! poor payton!