
Pics from Friday, December 29


The weather on Friday was in the 50s (very nice for December in Kansas) and rain later in the day was predicted. We got outside to play since we hadn't all week and wanted to get some time in before the rain. There's a very nice, newer park in town that we headed out for and my dad and Harley the dog went as well.

Some pics from our time at the park...

Then it was time to try out the stomp rocket Blake got from Santa back at my parents house...

That night we headed for dinner with my parents at a restaurant in town. I ordered boiled shrimp and hated having to peel them all (hate working on my food when out to eat). I mistakingly thought they'd come ready-to-eat. Never again. :-)

Then we all headed over to my Aunt Pat and Uncle Leland's new house. They moved a couple of months ago into a house that's just 10 minutes from my parents. It's really beautiful and well done plus Aunt Pat is Mrs. Christmas so all of the decorations made it even nicer. We played some games (including 31 which I won - anybody need any quarters?!)...

My cousin Vicki was also there as she managed to make it in from Denver despite all of the snow. Normally, my cousin Suzy and her family (which includes 5 children) would be there as well but the kids had all been sick for over a week with the flu. Can you imagine taking care of 5 flu ridden children? Me either.

So the final thing we did at Aunt Pat's was to play Nintendo Wii. Yeah, they are crazy cool and managed to get a hold of one of them and it was so much fun. I am kicking myself for not taking pics of us playing (or even a video as it looks pretty funny). We played the bowling and golf games and it was so much fun for all of us that I think we'll probably buy a Nintendo Wii game system once they have them available again.

I think our night ended around 2...very typical of game night at Aunt Pat's house.

What next?

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1 comments: to “ Pics from Friday, December 29

  • 2:15 AM  

    We love that park in Tonganoxie. Too bad it wasn't there when we were kids!! :-)